
Solving the problems of the world!

Keeping information organised

My current techniques for keeping work organised at this stage is really favourites favourites favourites! and word documents with notes in them! To share resources with others I usually email them and copy and paste the resources or include the link. Not very good techniques! I believe that the tools covered in this unit will help me immensely. I will now be able to keep everything in one place and be able to search for it easily. Often in the past I would find myself saying,  “now I know I had something on that, but where is it again?” Now I will know that I can just search using the tags I have created in Evernote. Its very exciting!

I believe that teaching workflow and organisation techniques to students is extremely important. In this ever increasing technological world there is always something new to learn and new and interesting information that will help students get where they want to be as adults. In a world where achieving a satisfying life is hard enough, I believe that these techniques and tools could help students to get where they want to be with a little less stress! We are the ones who need to teach them!

I am only new to my current position so I have not had a great deal of contact with students to understand their workflow and organisational strategies. But I do know that it is a work in progress. I think at this stage they are learning to use different techniques to help them.

Digital technologies and internet access have definitely changed the way we organise ourselves. Before it was really just a jumble of information out there in journals, newspapers, books and peoples brains. I think that we were lucky if we found the correct  information we needed. And organising it was something that only people who knew how to organise did! Now it is all out there available to everyone, and we all have access to  free tools and techniques, to not only find what we need but be able to keep it and find it later.

My Link to my evernote:

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